Player Details
IM Pyrich, George D.
User died on 12/11/2017. (Date is estimated. Death was recorded on 5/15/2024.)

George gave dedicated service to both SCCA and ICCF over many decades and was hugely respected as an administrator and a principled individual. He was honest, worked hard, made friends everywhere, and brought a sense of humour to everything he did. He lived latterly in Almeria, Spain and leaves behind his wife Catherine, two children and eight grandchildren. Our deepest condolences and love go to them.
George joined SCCA in 1980 and quickly demonstrated his strength as a championship level player, competing in the finals of 1982 through 1992 (and latterly 2015-17), and earning the Scottish Master title in 1995. He became Publicity & Membership Officer in 1985, followed by 6 years as Treasurer (1986-91) and 8 Years as Magazine Games Editor (1991-98). He was International Secretary from 1992-2017 and our ICCF Delegate from 1993-2017, attending most ICCF Congresses from Graz 1992 onwards. He served as Vice President from 2000-17 and Grader from 2008-17. A truly magnificent record of dedication!
On the international front, George completed a huge number of tournaments and games, gaining his IM title in 1995 (his last norm coming in a fax event if I remember correctly). His highest grade was 2426 in 2002. Administratively, he gained TD (Level 2) in 2003 and the IA title in 2009. His ICCF posts began with Qualifications Commissioner from 1996-2003, then Deputy President & Development Director from 2007-09, and finally Finance Director from 2009-17. His distinguished service was recognised by Bertl von Massow Medals (Silver in 2002, Gold in 2007) and finally by Honorary Membership of ICCF in 2016.
George was also a sports fan, enjoying NFL banter with many of his ICCF Delegate colleagues, and never shy to extol the virtues of Raith Rovers, the football team who play in his native Kirkcaldy. I'm writing this with a heavy heart as I'll greatly miss George’s friendship, unfailing support and good humour.
Thanks for doing much more than your fair share George, and I hope you enjoy your rest.
Iain Mackintosh, SCCA President