ICCF Ratings

Rating list     
PlaceICCF IDCountryTitleNameGamesRatingRD

1 460342 FIN GM Kujala, Auvo66 2660 107
2 130853 CZE GM Chytilek, Roman211 2649 100
3 81027 GER GM Kribben, Matthias281 2645 107
4 370921 NED GM Hoeven, David A. van der193 2641 109
5 440534 ROU GM Şerban, Florin185 2628 109
6 81282 GER GM Nickel, Arno467 2627 108
7 211305 ENG GM Robson, Nigel234 2616 109
8 900144 CRO GM Loinjak, Siniša306 2614 100
9 511491 USA GM Murray, Tim285 2613 95
10 141280 CFR GM Perevertkin, Vladimir Viktorovich193 2613 106
11 480135 SLO GM Borštnik, Aleš243 2610 107
12 480179 SLO GM Šivic, Jernej162 2607 108
13 169064 ESP GM Martín Clemente, Joel336 2607 109
14 230429 HUN SIM Sinka, István135 2604 100
15 131093 CZE GM Židů, Jan513 2604 109
16 480098 SLO GM Šemrl, Marjan188 2603 107
17 142127 CFR SIM Panitevsky, Ivan Anatolevich579 2602 103
18 490124 TUR GM Turgut, Tansel182 2597 100
19 84813 GER GM Wunderlich, Hans-Dieter516 2594 91
20 83556 GER GM Geist, Helmut165 2589 109
21 280330 IND SIM Sasikiran, Krishnan261 2587 97
22 181158 FRA GM Roubaud, David451 2586 101
23 910070 LAT GM Rause, Olita205 2584 105
24 511269 USA GM Ham, Stephen E.266 2584 107
25 10464 AUT GM Muck, Christian254 2583 109


4590 players in the list
Ratinglist valid from 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024.

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