GER/BDF-40, 40 Jahre BDF

TD Thuener, Eugen
1NED370230 Geet, Dick Daniël van½½½½111½11½1111168.501
2ENG210178 Webb, Simon½101½1½½½1111110.566.2502
3NED370249 Timmerman, Gert Jan½0½111½011111110.563.7503
4HUN230020 Brilla-Bánfalvi, Sándor½1½½1½0½1101119.561.504
5GER80311 Stern, Dieter½00½111½1½1½119.55605
6GER80403 Schäfer, Manfred0½0001½11½½1½17.541.7506
7GER80058 Dünhaupt, Heinz-Wilhelm000½001½½111117.537.7507
8GER80226 Oechslein, Rainer0½½10½0½½1101½74408
9GER80754 Soltau, Achim½½1½½0½½0½½0½16.54709
10DEN150074 Pedersen, Jens Otto0½0000½½101½1½5.530010
11ROU440001 Anton, Aurel0000½½00½110115.527.25011
12FIN460202 Kanko, Ilkka½0010½00½001104.529.5012
13ROU440020 Rotariu, Gheorghe S.0000½0011½100½4.527.75013
14ENG210051 Messere, Kenneth Charles00000½00½00011314014
15SLO480001 Brglez, Franček0000000½0½01½02.513015

Not finished: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 105

This event is played by postal mail.
The start date was 8/28/1986.
The end date was 6/1/1992.
30 days of leave per year are available to each player.
Special leave can be requested from the TD.
Ties are broken by the Sonneborn-Berger tie breaking rule.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the TD.
Where game scores are available:
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 0 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Schmidt, Peter (Berlin).

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